Political Zionism is a nationalist, settler-colonial movement, predominantly led by Ashkenazi European Jews, with the aim of colonizing Palestine. Emerging politically in the late 19th century, Zionism was influenced by European colonial ideologies and framed by its leaders as a project of "redeeming" and "civilizing" the land, often depicted as underdeveloped or even empty, despite the presence of 1.4 million indigenous Palestinian Arab in Palestine primarily engaging in trades, agriculture, and maintaining a vibrant social and cultural life.
Early Zionists often referred to themselves as "colonists" and described their efforts in Palestine as a colonialist enterprise. Using the language and practices of European colonialism, they sought to settle European Jewish immigrants in Palestine, with disregard to the rights and existence of the Palestinian people who had been living on and cultivating the land for generations.
Balfour, in his declaration did effectively erase the Palestinian Identity, culture and history, by referring to them as "non-Jewish communities, rather than acknowledging them as the people of the land, who had been living there for generations.
The document reduces Palestinians to a secondary status, described only by their lack of Jewishness.
The wording of Balfour reflects the broader colonialist mindset of the time. Like other colonial powers, the British government treated Palestine as a territory to be shaped according to its own strategic interests, with little regard for the indigenous population. The promise to establish a Jewish homeland was made without consulting the Palestinians, whose lives were the ones put on the line
In an interview between Arthur Balfour and Justice Louis Brandeis, the conversation exposes the brutal colonial mindset driving the Balfour Declaration and the Zionist colonial project. Their language reveals a cold indifference to the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population, showing their intent to reshape Palestine entirely for European Jewish settlers, no matter the human cost.
Balfour's states clearly "we are dealing not with the wishes of an existing community but are consciously seeking to reconstitute a new community" is a deliberate rejection of the Palestinians' right to exist. This is not mere neglect but a calculated declaration that the native population’s rights are irrelevant. This sets the ideological foundation for the ethnic cleansing that occurred in 1948, displacing over 750.000 of Palestinians, destroying 531 town and village and killing 15,000 Palestinians during the Nakba time to make way for the Zionist vision.
Balfour’s admission of "building for a numerical majority" in the interview, is a clear strategy to forcibly transform Palestine into a Jewish-dominated state, regardless of the Palestinians' presence. This laid the groundwork for future policies of mass displacement and executions aimed at securing that demographic majority through sheer force.
The ease with which Balfour dismisses the Palestinian population, where he refers to Arab concerns as merely an "internal British problem," is a stark reflection of the imperial arrogance that drove the Zionist project. This disregard for the Palestinian people reveals the true colonial nature of the Zionist movement: a foreign power, working hand in hand with European settlers, deciding the fate of an entire indigenous population without their consent or even acknowledgment. This is the language of conquest and subjugation, rooted in a dehumanizing view of the native population.
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) was a driving force behind the colonial conquest of Palestine. Founded in 1897, the ZOA worked relentlessly to secure political backing, funds, and public support for the creation of a Jewish state; at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian population. From spreading propaganda that painted Palestine as an empty land, to financing illegal immigration and arming terrorist militias, the ZOA played a central role in the ethnic cleansing that continues to shape Palestine today.
The Holocaust and Nakba were part of a broader, insidious plan rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. This article explores the history of cynical collaboration between Nazi Germany and the Zionist movement, revealing how both European Jews and Palestinians were manipulated as pawns in a calculated cycle of genocide and ethnic cleansing. By examining historical agreements, we expose the shared objectives of Nazi and Zionist fascism, both of which sought to reshape the future of the oppressed to serve imperialist and colonialist agendas.
Rather than standing in solidarity with anti-fascist and socialist movements, Zionist leaders actively opposed and sabotaged boycotts against Nazi Germany and betrayed Jewish socialist organizations like the Bund. By prioritizing alliances with imperialist forces and focusing on territorial expansion, Zionism suppressed grassroots resistance in favor of capitalist and colonial domination. This article examines how these choices undermined Jewish socialist movements and entrenched Zionism as a bourgeois project that continues to serve imperialist interests today.